Spirit the dog travels the world

Follow me through words, pictures and videos as I join my mothers to live in Denmark. I'll be traveling all over the country, including all modes of public transport. See and hear how the world reacts to my killer beauty.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Danes wreaking havoc

Copenhagen Distortion Street Fest

This was my the beginning stages of my Mom's vegetable garden, BEFORE the rain. It's a lake now. She's mad.

Me and mom on the train. Hey, I paid for my ticket, I can sit on the seat if I want!

Holy Cow!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Scenes from Carnivals

Scenes from Carnival!

A "resting moment" for the Parisian Samba band
Very cool parade during Aalborg Carnival
More scenes from Aalborg Fest
More scenes from the Aalborg Carnival
An awesome Samba band from Paris
Scenes from the CRAZY Carnival in Aarborg
More samba bands in Copenhagen
Some Samba Bands that my moms went to see at the Copenhagen Carnival

Uncle Sebastian

This is my Mama JoJo's brother, Sebastian. I guess that makes him my uncle. Uncle Sebastian baby sat me while my moms abandoned me to go drink a lot of the yellow stuff that makes them act silly. I have pictures of where they went. I'll show them to you later.

The Mustang

This is my mom's new car - The Mustang. There's no seat for me, however. I have to trot along behind her. I asked her if I would fit in the basket, she just laughed at me...